Tuition and Financial Aid


The 2024-25 tuition for full-time candidates is $5,900 for each academic year, up to five years. Tuition for part-time candidates is one-half the full rate. Candidates who have completed their coursework but have not been granted the program certificate shall be assessed a $500 Continuing Registration charge per term. Additionally, Columbia University charges each student enrolled in our program a CUMC network fee of $218 per semester.

Supervision Fee

Beginning in the second semester of the first year, candidates pay a supervision fee of $1,860 per semester. This fee provides for up to three ongoing supervisions, meeting once weekly. Supervisors donate their time to the Center. This fee covers the Center's overall operating expenses.

Financial Aid

The Center has available various scholarship and loan programs. Once accepted for training, all candidates are eligible to apply for these loans or scholarships to help them finance psychoanalytic training. To apply for a need-based scholarship or loan from the Center, please download, complete, and email the financial aid questionnaire to Madrid Poultney at

Financial Aid Form - please email Madrid Poultney at the address above for the current form

The Roger A. Mackinnon, MD, Scholarship Fund

This fund provides tuition candidates based on need. To apply, please fill out the form linked above and email it to the Psychoanalytic Center at

Margaret Morgan Lawrence, MD, Psychoanalytic Scholarship Fund

This scholarship provides financial assistance to a candidate in need who exemplifies the pioneering spirit of Margaret Morgan Lawrence, a Center graduate and America’s first Black psychoanalyst. To inquire regarding its availability, please email the Psychoanalytic Center at

Adele R. Levy Loan Fund

Candidates may borrow full tuition each year up to a total indebtedness of $22,500 from this fund, which was set up exclusively for candidates at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. The annual interest rate is 5 percent. During training, “interest only” is payable at the end of each year. Following training, there is a grace period of six months, after which the loan principal and interest must be repaid within a maximum of five years. The minimum monthly payment is $300. To apply, please email the Psychoanalytic Center at

Poe Loan Fund

This loan is administered by the Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center Alumni Association. Candidates may borrow up to a total of $1,500 interest-free from this fund, which was set up exclusively for candidates at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. This loan must be repaid over a two-year period beginning two years after completion of training. Contact Dr. Jules Kerman ( for information about applying.

American Psychoanalytic Association Candidate Assistance Fund

The Candidate Assistance Fund of the American Psychoanalytic Association provides loans up to $5,000 to candidates training to be psychoanalysts. The loans, to be repaid within a maximum of six years, are made from a revolving fund so repayment is critical in order to continue making loans. Currently, between five and seven loans are made annually. 

Any questions should be addressed to:

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan And Graduate Plus Loan Programs

If you are at least a half-time student and a US Citizen or permanent resident, these loans can help you meet your educational expenses.  Neither loan is ‘subsidized’ and interest accrues from disbursement.  Interest rates are established each year, and once set applies for the life of that year’s loan – i.e. it’s a fixed interest rate.  The lender is the US Department of Education.

The annual loan limit for the Unsub Stafford for graduate students is $20,500. If you did not attend medical school, the total debt allowed for graduate or professional study is $138,500 (of which no more than $65,500 may be in Subsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans). The graduate debt limit includes any Federal Direct Stafford loans received prior to matriculation here.  If you attended medical school, the cumulative limit is $224,000.

The Grad PLUS loan allows you to borrow up to the cost of attendance less any other financial aid you receive. This loan has no cumulative limit.

Repayment begins 6 months after graduation or if you drop below half-time student status. 

For more information, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Planning for the College of Physicians & Surgeons at 212-305-4100.