A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
Dr. Bergman discuss the types of challenges domestic violence survivors face, effective therapies for those who experience domestic abuse, and warning signs that someone may be an abuser.
Mysteries of Mental illness, a PBS documentary inspired by the work of Columbia Psychiatry Chairman Jeffrey A. Lieberman will premiere June 22-23 on PBS (9-11 pm EST).
A Columbia study looked at a short and promising approach that could encourage more health workers to get the mental health care they need via a method centered on a three-minute video.
The post-COVID Community Mental Health Project aims to promote wellness and increase access to behavioral health services in underserved New York City neighborhoods.
“Uncertainty and unreliability — not having the security of knowing what happens yet — has been traumatizing at a core level, from the very beginning,” said Dr. Maureen O’Reilly-Landy.
Chaplains "help patients and families to find meaning, purpose and hope when confronting death, and frequently mediate conflicts between patients and the medical staff," writes Dr. Robert Klitzman.
"I never imagined that I would be attempting to calm my patients’ fears in the midst of a global pandemic during my first two years as a faculty psychologist," writes Dr. Courtney DeAngelis.