Jeremy M. Veenstra-Weele, MD, explained that some repetitive behaviors are enjoyable or soothing in ASD, and others may represent a habit or be used to make life more predictable.
Ragy Girgis, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia, said only a small minority of mass shooters are taking therapeutic doses of these medications at the time of the shootings.
Zachary K. Blumkin, PsyD, assistant clinical professor of medical psychology (in psychiatry) at Columbia, discusses symptoms he looks for when assessing ADHD in children.
Cannabis addiction can cause a dramatic decrease in quality of life, said Christina Brezing, MD, an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia.
"When asked why fentanyl is so problematic, the obvious answer is its potency," writes Jermaine Jones, PhD, associate professor of clinical neurobiology ( in psychiatry) at Columbia.
Losing a parent during childhood is a risk factor for adult mental health problems, according to Katherine Shear, MD, a grief expert and the Marion E. Kenworthy Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia.