Order SCID-5 Training Materials Unlimited Streaming

To order the SCID-5 Interview Titles in unlimited online video streaming format through Vimeo only.

NOTE: All purchase transactions are final and are not interchangeable. Please read the following information and make your selection carefully.

Research Version: $200 per title or purchase all five SCID-5-RV titles and receive a 15% discount for a total of $850.

Anxious Decorator RV
Restless Paralegal RV
Tragic Accident RV
Under Surveillance RV
Youthful Murderer RV 
Full Series Research Versions

Clinician Version: $200 per title or purchase all four SCID-5-CV titles and receive a 15% discount for a total of $680.

Anxious Decorator CV
Tragic Accident CV
Under Surveillance CV
Youthful Murderer CV
Full Series Clinician Versions

Clinical Trials Version- $200 per title

Under Surveillance CT
Youthful Murderer CT