Diagnostic and Assessment/Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Lab

The Diagnostic and Assessment Lab is devoted to the development of structured interviews and other assessment tools including training materials for making diagnoses in accord with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) and International Classification of Diseases (ICD).  The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Diagnoses, first developed for DSM-III diagnostic assessment in the early 1980s by the Biometrics Research, Psychiatry Department, New York State Psychiatric Institute at Columbia University has been significantly revised over the past 30 years.  The current version is the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5).  Visit to learn more about the SCID-5 instruments and training materials.


Mailing Address:
Diagnostic and Assessment Lab
Biometrics Research, Psychiatry Department
New York State Psychiatric Institute at
Columbia University
1051 Riverside Drive – Unit 60
New York, NY 10032


Physical Location:
Diagnostic and Assessment Lab
Biometrics Research, Psychiatry Department
New York State Psychiatric Institute at
Columbia University
Mailman School of Public Health Building
722 West 168th Street, Room 229A
New York, NY 10032


Telephone: 646-774-7932

Fax: 646-774-7933


E-mail: scid-admin@cumc.columbia.edu


Lab Members

  • Michael B. First, M.D.

    • Director

    Michael B. First MD, is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University, and is a Research Psychiatrist at the Biometrics Department at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and maintains a schematherapy and psychopharmacology practice in Manhattan, Dr. First is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on psychiatric diagnosis and assessment issues and has conducted expert forensic psychiatric evaluations in both civil and criminal matters, including the 2006 trial of the 9/11 terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui.

    Dr. First is the Editorial and Coding Consultant for the DSM-5, the chief technical and editorlal consultant on the World Health Organization's ICD-11 revision project, and is an external consultant to the NIMH Research Domain Criteria project.

    Dr. First got his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University, received a Masters in Computer Science and a Medical Degree from the University of Pittsburgh, did his psychiatry residency at Columbia University, and did a fellowship in Biometrics Research under the direction of his mentor, Dr. Robert Spitzer.

    He was the Editor of the DSM-IV-TR, the Editor of Text and Criteria for DSM-IV and the APA's Handbook on Psychiatric Measures. He has co-authored and co-edited a number of books, including A Research Agenda for DSM-V, the DSM-IV-TR Guidebook, the DSM-5 Handbook for Differential Diagnosis, and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5).