There is evidence that the puzzles were specifically more effective for people in the "late" stage of mild cognitive impairment, Davangere Devanand, MD, said.
“The jury is still very much out in terms of what the effects of this pandemic are going to be on this generation,” Dani Dumitriu, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Columbia, said.
Beyond the long work hours there is also stigma around mental health issues—even among health care professionals—and that can be a barrier to residents and other health care workers seeking care.
Dissociative identity disorder is a rare psychiatric condition usually triggered by childhood trauma, including sexual or physical abuse, or war. It affects about 1% of the population.
A Columbia study aims find out which treatments work best to alleviate major depressive disorder and improve quality of life for individuals with breast cancer.
It may be the action of an individual, but suicide is “a social disorder for the most part,” says David Fink, PhD, MPH, a social epidemiologist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.
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