Columbia Psychiatry and the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression hosted Hope over the Horizon: Improving Depression Outcomes and Reducing and Suicide Risk on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024.
A Columbia study found health care workers, including registered nurses, health technicians, and health care support workers, are at increased risk of suicide compared with workers in other fields.
Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
Dr. Elkington is developing interventions to increase access to behavioral health services for youth on probation by building connections between the justice system and community-based care systems.
Dr. Katherine Shear has developed a 16-session treatment for complicated grief that focuses on helping the person accept the loss and find possibilities for pleasure.
Dr. J. John Mann of Columbia University breaks down some of the key takeaways of this paper regarding the relationship between 922 prescription drugs and 43,978 suicidal events.
"We've known that there's a strong association between gender minority stress and poor health outcomes," Dr. William Byne said. "This just makes it a little bit more concrete."
Dr. Katherine Elkington, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry) at Columbia University, discusses the complex connection between suicide and substance use in adolescents.
Dr. Blake Zakarin discusses the relationship between sleep, mental health, and suicide in adolescents and steps we can all take to improve the quality of our sleep.