Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) and Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17) have introduced the Community Mental Wellness Worker Training Act to increase the availability of mental health services to the underserved.
In honor of Pride Month, the Columbia Gender & Sexuality Program (CGSP) offers a family-friendly guide to support LGBTQIA+ youth and caregivers and to events taking place across the city.
Dr. Michael Stone said mass shooters are likelier to act in response to perceived slights and insults, quietly accumulated over time, until such grievances manifest themselves in violence.
Drs. Edward Nunes and Frances Levin will be leading the Columbia site in a 3-site multisite trial to test a new model of treatment for opioid addiction.
Your therapist does not necessarily need to be someone who has a lot in common with you, or with whom you would want to be friends," Dr. Colleen Cullen advises.
Formal medical school curricula often espouse the value of equity, yet the hidden curriculum unfortunately sometimes conveys discrimination and unfair treatment, says Dr. Michael Devlin.
"Both genetic mechanisms and their psychosocial impacts are more complex than imagined by geneticists or bioethicists at the dawn of the Human Genome Project,” write Dr. Paul Appelbaum and colleague.
“The seven-member pacifist group built mobile hospitals in caves, often traveling at night to avoid detection,” writes Dr. Christopher Magoon in an article about tMedical Team 19.
A new study led by Columbia Psychiatry researchers eased fears about the proportion of youths with ADHD taking antipsychotic drugs, but still found that many prescriptions may be inappropriate.