A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
Dr. Bergman discuss the types of challenges domestic violence survivors face, effective therapies for those who experience domestic abuse, and warning signs that someone may be an abuser.
"Overall, we found that 2.6% of kids with a new diagnosis of ADHD were treated with an antipsychotic medication despite no FDA indication," study investigator Dr. Ryan S. Sultan.
A new study has found that performing well on two brief tests measuring cognitive ability and ability to identify odors indicates very low risk for Alzheimer’s.
“Whatever its source, nicotine is nicotine,” Dr. Denise Kandel said. “It will adversely affect the brains of adolescents and increase their susceptibility to the reward effects of other drugs.”
Sometimes Dr. Anne Marie Albano will open up the Twitter feeds of people she follows, to show children how common it is for people to get a range of responses—positive and negative.
“We need to develop ways to both share and guard data, and be brutally realistic about the delicate and complex trade-offs involved,” writes Dr. Robert Klitzman.
“By bringing on uncomfortable or feared sensations in the therapy room, we are helping individuals with panic symptoms learn to change how they relate to their symptoms,” says Dr. Rachel Ginsberg.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman said he supports keeping guns from many with mental illness, and he believes that laws have made the civil commitment of those with severe mental illness too difficult.
“We have to engage in a healthy way, while also setting some boundaries so it’s not the only thing you’re focusing on,” Dr. Lauren Hoffman said regarding patients discussing anxiety in therapy.