Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
A Columbia study aims find out which treatments work best to alleviate major depressive disorder and improve quality of life for individuals with breast cancer.
Dr. Lourival Baptista-Neto joins his colleagues from Columbia Orthopedics to discuss how parents can help their children avoid depression with the lack of sports and activities.
When someone tells you what's going on with them, summarize what you're hearing in a neutral, nonjudgmental way, which will help them feel heard, Dr. Diana Samuel says.
Dr. Yuval Neria said, "We know already from previous disasters that ongoing anxiety during trauma is a huge risk factor for PTSD and depression in the long term."
During pregnancy, hormone levels increase between six- and eight-fold, then in 24 hours after delivery they are gone. “That’s a real jolt to the central nervous system,” says Dr. Margaret G. Spinelli.
Some reports show that, “suicide and drug overdose actually cause more deaths than postpartum hemorrhage, cardiovascular events or other pregnancy-related medical problems,” says Dr. Kimberly Mangla.
"Il nostro cervello continua a produrre nuovi neuroni per tutta la vita e questa è una capacità unica dell'uomo, assente nei roditori e nei primati", spiega Boldrini.
Dr. Mark Olfson said looking at large groups, instead of homing in on specific individuals, allows for other factors to affect the suicide rates — even if the study tried to control for some of them.